25 Fantastici tweet di Donald G. Trump da sballato

Non è un segreto che il vecchio Donald gradisca fumare un po' di Maria di tanto in tanto. Ma persino lui capisce che twittare mentre si è sballati alla grande non è una mossa saggia, specie se si è il Presidente. Fortunatamente per lui, gli account su Twitter sono gratuiti. Sembrerebbe che abbia creato un altro account, in modo da poter twittare in incognito.
Non è un segreto che il vecchio Donald gradisca fumare un po' di Maria di tanto in tanto. Ma persino lui capisce che twittare mentre si è sballati alla grande non è una mossa saggia, specie se si è il Presidente. Fortunatamente per lui, gli account su Twitter sono gratuiti. Sembrerebbe che abbia creato un altro account, in modo da poter twittare in incognito.
Beh, noi l'abbiamo trovato. Ecco 25 dei suoi tweet più esilaranti. A dire il vero, solo alcuni sembrano avere un senso:
Prohibition is the WORST DEAL ever!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
President Putin strongly denied Russian interference in the 2016 Cannabis Cup. WITCH HUNT!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018
I don't like hermaphrodites. People will say I'm a transphobe, but I just don't want them in our grow rooms. They don't deserve to be here. They're raping our women. Can't smoke 'em anymore. It's true.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
Hemp is FAKE marijuana!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
I just gave the order to NASA to build a grow room on the moon. We need to be indica- and sativa-dominant in space!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 19, 2018
I won the Cannabis Cup fair and square. Crooked Hillary should stop whining. The only reason she won the popular vote is because she knows how to suck a 600W light bulb!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018
If president Nixon had checked his hydroponic grow systems a bit more often, the Watergate scandal would never have happened. LAZY!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018
If I want to touch my female plants, I just do it. I won't ask for permission. They belong to me, so why would I? Grab 'em by the bud! #metoo
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018
Nobody respects female marijuana plants more than me.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
We will not allow North Korea to have hydroponic grow systems. Kim Yung Un needs to CLOSE their grow facilities now!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
I have big hands, but I still roll the best joints. Nobody rolls better joints as me.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018
We will have no problem with separating the cuttings from the mother plants if they illegally cross our border. BUILD THAT WALL!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
Sometimes your best strains are the ones you don't grow.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
What happened to those 30.000 grow guides on Crooked Hillary's server? Was she part of the 2006 Overgrow conspiracy? Our people deserve to know the truth!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
America will start rolling again, rolling blunts like never before.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
The head of gardening at the CIA (Central Indica Agency) has been bitchin' behind my back about the strain Covfefe (a pure sativa and created by Ivanka). I revoked his security clearance to our grow rooms immediately!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018
Wake N Bake... Where is Monica Lewinsky when you need her?
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 19, 2018
We will immediately increase the import tariffs with 420% on Chinese vaporizers and glass bongs.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
I've been making marijuana deals all my life.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
Part of being a stoner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and put the bong away, and move on to something that's more productive. Like a vaporizer.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
Crooked Hillary doesn't like OG Kush. Lock her up!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
It takes other people 10-14 weeks to complete the flowering cycle of a Haze strain. I do it in 6. Easy. Nobody grows Haze strains quicker then me. It's true.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 19, 2018
I own grow rooms. I'm a grower; I know how to grow. Nobody can grow like I can grow. Nobody. And the growers in New York will tell you that. I grow the best weed. And my name helps a lot. It's true.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 18, 2018
At university I had the highest THC score ever recorded in history. Nobody ever beat me. I don't think anyone ever will.
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 21, 2018
If you're not following me, you're not a patriot. GO HOME!
— Donald GreenTrump (@realgreentrump1) August 20, 2018